首爾 咖啡甜點 咖啡韓藥房惠民堂 復古風好拍巷弄小店 Coffee Hangyakbang Seoul

首爾 咖啡甜點 咖啡韓藥房惠民堂 復古風好拍巷弄小店 Coffee Hangyakbang Seoul
首爾, 咖啡館, 韓國

咖啡韓藥房惠民堂 커피한약방・혜민당 是一家隱匿在巷弄中的復古風咖啡店及甜點店。店內古董傢具及裝飾品全都是復古風裝潢,來此喝咖啡、吃甜點,在旅程中小休一下充電。

Coffee Hangyakbang 커피한약방 and Hyemintang 혜민당 are retro style coffee shops hidden in a small alley near Euljiro 3-ga subway station. There’s a A good place to take a break at Seoul city.


They have black coffee, ice drip coffee, mocha, maple syrup coffee, cappuccino, latte and affocato. They brewed the coffee beans by themselves at the cafe. Besides coffee, they have tea and soda drinks.


A dessert shop opposite Coffee Hangyakbang called Hyemintang 혜민당, run by the same owner. They have some nice cakes, cookies and bread.

我點了Cappuccino 카푸치노 4500won 跟一份柳橙蛋糕 오렌지생크림케이크 5500won。沒有漂亮的賣相但品質都很不錯,尤其是蛋糕,香甜鬆軟,柳橙是新鮮的柳橙肉,味道天然。

I have ordered cappuccino 카푸치노 4500won and Orange and Cream Cake 오렌지생크림케이크 5500won. Presentations are not fancy but qualities are good.


서울특별시 중구 을지로2가 101-34

101-34, Euljiro 2-ga, Central District, Seoul

Subway Euljiro 3-ga Station exit 1. After the first intersection, turn right to the small alley.

08:00-22:30 Mon-Fri

11:00-21:00 Sat

12:00-20:00 Sun

Non-smoking, free wifi provided


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