台南 前鋒水餃之家 東區美食 Qianfeng Dumplings Tainan

Tweet 台南 前鋒水餃之家 東區美食 Qianfeng Dumplings Tainan 2016.11.01 台南, 台灣 台南前鋒水餃之家是一家在地人口中"俗擱大碗" (便宜又份量大)的水餃店,聽說國際知名大導演李安先生在台南生活的時候也喜歡吃。一直很想來吃水餃,找了一天來吃午餐。
Famous Director Lee Ang’s favorite dumplings place in Tainan. Authentic and delicious Taiwanese noodles and dumplings.

店在東區前鋒路,其實我之前住在這邊,每次經過他們店都是關的,還以為他們沒做了哈哈,原來是他們的營業時間不長,只做星期一到五,大家如果要前往就要注意一下。The place is near Old Tainan Magistrate Residence, a Historical landmark in Tainan. Opening hours usually is at lunch time and close at 8pm, Sat and Sun are closed.
我們坐在樓下,夏天有冷氣比較沒那麼熱。一樓午餐時間很多人,有不少都是上班族。They have many people during weekdays lunch time.
滷菜 Braised dishes 60NT
看到他們有滷菜,點了一些。滷水汁是台南的偏甜口味,也滷得很透徹。Saw some braised dishes when ordering dumplings, the goods are pork liver slices, pork ears, seaweed and tofu.
乾麵 Noodles without soup (small 小) 40NT
小的乾麵份量其實已經蠻多的了,底下有醋跟醬油調味而成的拌麵醬料。麵上有不少肉碎,簡單的古早味,不錯吃。Nostalgic style noodles, simple seasonings with vinegar and soy sauce.
貢丸湯 Soup with Taiwanese meat balls (small 小) 20NT
想吃麵的時候喝點湯,點了一碗。Nothing special, just want to eat noodles with some soup.
水餃 Dumplings (4NT for each 一顆4元)
喜歡這裡的水餃,厚薄適中的水餃皮,內餡是豬肉加韮黃,用上韮黃,沒有韮菜那種霸道的香氣,好吃!I like the dumplings here. Usually people order 10 pieces. They use hotbed chives and pork as fillings, as I don’t like the strong scent of garlic chives, I like they use hotbed chives instead.
唯一不太喜歡的是他們免費提供的紅茶太甜了,水餃好吃,以後會想來再吃還有喝酸辣湯。The only thing I don’t like is their black tea, free to drink but it’s too sweet. Will come back for their dumplings and hot and sour soup.
前鋒水餃之家 Qian Feng Dumplings
No. 93, Qianfeng Road, East District, Tainan, Taiwan
Mon-Fri 11:00-14:00, 16:30-20:00
Sat and Sun Closed


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